The expenses associated with re-training and re-homing horses are high.
Upon arrival into the program horses need to be evaluated for personality, behavior towards other horses and overall health and fitness. Some horses may need blacksmith, dental or veterinary care when they arrive. Once these are evaluated and attended to training and reacclimation to farm life begins. The minimum monthly cost to care for each horse is approx. $400.00 this does not include training, blacksmith, dental or veterinary care. This also does not include any farm overhead such as staff, utilities, repairs, taxes etc.
The price of a Veterinarian’s farm call is approx. $98.00 dollars and when exams, vaccinations and medications are included the cost quickly escalates. We treat most minor injuries in house but vaccinations and more serious injuries are handled by our vet.
Hay in the local area is currently $4-$6.00 for a 40 lb bale and large round bales stored inside go for about $45.00 each. We currently use 3 large round bales per week.
Bedding cost $150.00 per load of sawdust which lasts about 2 weeks.
Grain is purchased at local feed stores with not for profit reward points and discount coupons but still averages $22.00 per 50 lb bag.
Blacksmith work is scheduled individually for each horse so they get trimmed or shod as needed instead of on a set schedule. We do have some horses that need to wear shoes which is an added expense.
Donations and Sponsorships are a necessity for the program to balance the budget and continue to protect and repurpose these wonderful animals.